Veterans United Home Loans Ranks No. 8 in Nation’s Best Places to Work in 2022 by Glassdoor

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Veterans United Home Loans, the nation’s largest VA purchase lender, has been honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award.

The award recognizes the Best Places to Work in 2022, and the company ranked No. 8 out of 100 companies. This is the first time the company has made this list on Glassdoor.

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“It feels especially good to be recognized as a Best Place to Work considering what the work landscape has looked like the last couple years,” said August Nielsen, vice president of people services for Veterans United. “We’re in the thick of it just like everyone else, and getting to read the words of people who have worked so hard, and who honestly say that it has changed their life for the better – that makes us feel proud of what we’re doing here.”

Veterans United attributes its success to its employees and the values they created: Be Passionate and Have Fun, Deliver Results with Integrity and Enhance Lives Every Day. These values guide employees’ interactions with each other, with homebuyers and with their communities. It takes each employee’s commitment to these values to make the dream of homeownership a reality for those who served our country.

Veterans United has continued to grow and be a place where employees can find a career with passion and purpose. Since expanding to St. Louis in January 2020, the office has grown to over 400 employees. Paddio, a sister brand of Veterans United in Springfield, Mo., has grown to more than 150 employees since opening in August 2020. Veterans United is hiring for a variety of positions in multiple locations. All roles contribute to a culture of care based on our employee created values. A complete list of open positions can be found at

The Employees’ Choice Award, now in its 14th year, is based solely on the input of employees, who elect to provide anonymous feedback by completing a company review about their job, work environment, and employer on Glassdoor. Glassdoor asks employees to rate their satisfaction with the company overall and key workplace factors such as career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, senior management, diversity and inclusion, and work/life balance.

“The world of work is rapidly evolving, fueled by the pandemic and now millions of workers re-evaluating their expectations from employers. This year’s Best Places to Work winners are leading the way by listening and responding to employee feedback and reimagining the employee experience to truly put their people first,” said Christian Sutherland-Wong, Glassdoor’s Chief Executive Officer. “It’s inspiring to see these employers step up during the pandemic to expand and grow company cultures where employees feel supported and valued in and out of work. Congratulations to all of this year’s Employees’ Choice Award winners.”

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