Fairfax County Pension Plan Invests in VanEck New Finance Income Fund, LP

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Leading global asset manager VanEck is pleased to announce the initial tranche of a $35 million commitment in the VanEck New Finance Income Fund, LP, by two retirement systems in Fairfax County, Virginia. The investment by the Fairfax County Employees’ Retirement System and the Fairfax County Police Officers Retirement System demonstrates growing institutional adoption of digital assets, as opportunities continue to mature.

Launched in December 2021, the VanEck New Finance Income Fund, LP, is available to accredited investors. The fund is designed to seek income opportunities for investors via short-term lending arrangements with digital assets entities through a simplified approach that alleviates the operational burden of direct digital assets lending. This may also result in potentially lower volatility as compared to direct digital assets exposure.

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For more information on the VanEck New Finance Income Fund, LP, please visit: https://www.vaneck.com/us/en/investments/new-finance-income-fund/

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