Emergent Cold Latin America Announces Construction of a Temperature-Controlled Facility Located in Talcahuano, Chile

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Emergent Cold Latin America (Emergent Cold LatAm), the fastest-growing refrigerated storage and logistics service provider in Latin America, announced today the construction of a new temperature-controlled facility located in Talcahuano, Chile. With this building, the company intends to strengthen operations and meet the needs of its key customers in the international food market.

With the acquisition of Friopacifico in November 2021, Emergent Cold LatAm now has three facilities in Chile, located in Talcahuano (2) and San Pedro de la Paz (1), with a total of more than 47,000 pallet positions of frozen capacity. The new building will open in January 2024 and will increase the company’s capacity by 65%.

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Strategically located close to the country’s main ports: San Vicente, Lirquén and Coronel, Emergent Cold LatAm will support exporters, retailers and major fish companies, all of which show positive growth forecasts for the upcoming years.

Chile is an important player in the global food trade. The country’s salmon farming industry is essential to the international supply chain and the 2nd largest producer in the world. Additionally, Chile’s mackerel supply is one of the most abundant in the world, with its quota growing at an average rate of 11.5% from 2016 to 2020. These exports and others, such as mussels and trout, are expected to grow in the coming years.

“For Emergent Cold LatAm, this new build, the company’s largest to date, represents another important step towards its vision of becoming the leading and most dynamic temperature-controlled operator in Latin America,” said Neal Rider, CEO of Emergent Cold LatAm. “Chile is a fundamental part of our Latin American investment strategy due to its important role in the seafood market across the globe.”

“After thoroughly evaluating our customers’ increasing demand for more capacity in our facilities and other value-added services, we decided to expand our capacity by adding 30,000 new pallet positions in the region,” said David Palfenier, President of Emergent Cold LatAm.

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