AppsFlyer Survey Finds 98% of Brands Believe that Connected TV Advertising will be Bigger than Mobile Advertising, with 25% Claiming It Will Happen in 2-3 years

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AppsFlyer has released its new survey report, Connected TV Trends, 2022-23, Advertiser and Viewer Perceptions, that combines viewer and brand insights on the rapidly evolving Connected TV (CTV) space. The growth of CTV devices and platforms has spurred interest and popularity for advertising, and the survey found that currently, 64% of businesses are running direct response campaigns on CTV.

Advertising on CTV also allows brands to expand reach, measure cross-platform, cross-device campaigns and better target consumers with relevant, contextual ads. With that in mind, for advertisers, understanding consumer preferences and habits regarding CTV, including how they feel about commercials, the dollar value they place on ad-free content, and how likely they are to download apps resulting from CTV ads, is extremely beneficial.

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Key Findings:

98% of businesses believe that CTV advertising will be bigger than mobile advertising. The vast majority of brands think that CTV advertising will overtake mobile advertising, and a quarter of respondents say that this will happen in the next 2 to 3 years. According to brands, the reasons to advertise on CTV include engaging with new audiences (73%), increasing engagement levels (73%) and driving higher lifetime value (50%).

Half of viewers in North America downloaded mobile apps after watching a CTV ad. Globally, 40% of consumers have downloaded mobile apps following seeing advertisements for an app. Additionally, 53% of consumers say they are likely, or very likely, to do this using QR codes.

86% of consumers are willing to see ads on CTV, especially if they are relevant to them. There’s a widespread misconception that mid-stream ads could drive viewers away, but in reality, consumers may not mind ads as much as brands think. Only 40% of viewers say that they will stop watching CTV if there are too many ads. On average consumers are happy to watch 1.7 ads within 30 minutes of content, but this number takes a 220% leap to 5.8 ads if they are relevant to the viewer.

Brands rank smart TVs as top priority, but are disregarding platforms that many viewers use to watch CTV platforms, gaming consoles. Additionally, when given the option to target consumers by the content they are watching, the top content categories brands are targeting are not necessarily aligned with the content that consumers are actually watching. For example, 64% are targeting sports and fitness, while only 42% of consumers are watching this content. In the other direction, 62% of consumers are watching documentary content, but only 26% of businesses are targeting that content.

“CTV is a huge opportunity, allowing marketers to engage with a whole new segment of potential users,” said Gil Meroz, VP of Innovation and General Manager, AppsFlyer. “For brands, now is the perfect time to start advertising on CTV before it becomes a heavily crowded and saturated space. The earlier you get into a new channel, the more you get out of it.”


We commissioned a survey of 500 consumers who watch CTV, and are between the ages of 26 and 50, and 200 Director – C-suite employees from MarTech and Marketing departments. Business respondents all work at Gaming, Retail or FinTech companies with between 200-10k employees, have built a mobile app, and have, or plan to have, a Direct Response campaign on CTV to drive mobile conversions. Respondents from both surveys come from North America, Europe and APAC.

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