Soleo Health Earns Five Stevie® Awards in 2022 American Business Awards®

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Soleo Health, an innovative leader and national provider of complex specialty pharmacy services, announced today it was named the winner of four Gold Stevie® Awards and one Silver in The 20th Annual American Business Awards® (ABA).

The Company earned Gold for Frontline Medical Hero of the Year and Support Staffer of the Year, where two of its nurses were recognized for their stellar efforts surrounding patient care. Additionally, Soleo Health earned Gold for Company of the Year – Health Products & Services – Large companies. Soleo Health also received the top award in Achievement in Management – Health Products & Services category. To this end, Soleo Health’s remarkable growth and expansion, commitment to patient care, exceptional COVID-19 service, operations and processes, and management team’s successes were commended. A Silver Stevie also was earned for Most Valuable Service within the COVID-19 categories for Soleo Health’s national program surrounding monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 patients.

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The American Business Awards are a premier business awards program whereby organizations of varying sizes operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations, including public and private as well as for-profit and non-profit entities. Nicknamed the Stevies for the Greek word meaning “crowned,” the 2022 ABA will be presented to winners at a gala ceremony at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York on Monday, June 13.

More than 3,700 nominations from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted this year for consideration in a wide range of categories. More than 230 professionals worldwide participated in the judging process to select this year’s Stevie Award winners.

“We are honored to be recognized by the American Business Awards and bestowed five Stevie Awards. We have extraordinary clinicians on staff, a few of whom were lauded in this competition for their incredible and unrelenting dedication to caring for our patients. We thank them as well as our entire team, as every one of our colleagues contributed to the awards we received this year. It takes a cohesive team effort to ensure the consistent delivery of high-quality patient care and an even greater one to do so during COVID-19. We thank the ABA and judges for their recognition of Soleo Health,” noted Drew Walk, chief executive officer.

“We are so pleased that we will be able to stage our first ABA awards banquet since 2019 and to celebrate, in person, the achievements of such a diverse group of organizations and individuals,” said Maggie Miller, president of the Stevie Awards.

Details about The American Business Awards and the list of 2022 Stevie winners are available at

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