Martha Stewart and iHeartMedia Partner to Launch New iHeartRadio Original Podcast

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iHeartMedia, the No. 1 podcast publisher globally according to podtrac, today announced a new partnership with Martha Stewart to produce a new iHeartRadio Original Podcast. “The Martha Stewart Podcast” is a talk show style series that will feature intimate, in-depth, probing interviews with some of the most fascinating people in the world – all who are at the top of their respective fields. The first episode is set to debut on June 22.

Martha has done it all: TV, magazines, the web, radio and more, but fans have never heard Martha Stewart quite like this. On her new podcast, Martha will sit down with influential people she has met along her successful and storied career, discussing their paths to the top and the lessons they have learned along the way. The first episode will feature friend and business partner Snoop Dogg for a conversation that can’t be missed. Additional guests will include Kris Jenner, Alex Rodriguez, Martha’s “besties” and creative collaborators Kevin Sharkey and Douglas Friedman, international plant explorer Dan Hinkley and more.

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“I am thrilled to partner with iHeartMedia on my first-ever original podcast series,” said Martha Stewart. “I think listeners will deeply enjoy these engaging conversations on life and business, which include many interesting takeaways from the notable guests I have the pleasure of interviewing.”

Listeners will also get a glimpse into Martha’s daily life through never-before-heard audio diary segments. From both her home and on the road, Martha will share an intimate peek into her thoughts, her business and each week’s guest.

“Martha is one of the most successful names in business and media, and we’re delighted to have her join the iHeartPodcast Network,” said Will Pearson, COO of the iHeartPodcast Network. “Martha has an uncanny ability to connect with her audiences and we believe she will offer listeners incredible brand-building and leadership advice to help them find more success in their business endeavors and life journeys.”

The Martha Stewart Podcast” will be distributed by the iHeartPodcast Network and will be available on iHeartRadio and everywhere podcasts are heard at launch.

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