Summer Is Here! Diageo North America Shares Six Tips to Celebrate Responsibly This Season

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With summer in full swing, and with work events and social gatherings making a strong comeback this year, it’s important to encourage responsible celebrations and moderation this season (and every other).

Whether people are hosting a party or making plans to go out, those who choose to consume alcohol, should do so in moderation. Director of Diageo in Society, Ana Fitzgibbons, shares simple tips to help hosts shine while inspiring their guests to enjoy responsibly, if they choose to drink; while respecting those who do not.

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  1. Food. Always greet guests with a good spread of food! Be sure to always provide plenty of food options for people – from a complete meal to vegetable sticks and dip to popcorn and chips. Food is essential to slowdown alcohol absorption for those who choose to drink and it’s a great way to show your warm hospitality.
  2. Variety is key. Have plenty of water and a range of beverages including soft drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails, like some featuring Seedlip, the world’s first non-alcoholic spirit.
  3. Avoid topping off drinks. While you may want to make sure your guests’ glasses are full, it makes it difficult to keep track of how many standard drinks people have had! So be sure to help guests track how many drinks they’ve consumed, so they can make better choices. In the U.S. a standard drink is defined as a 5 fl oz glass of wine (12% ABV), a 12 fl oz glass of beer (5 % abv), or a 1.5 fl oz pour of spirits (40% ABV).
  4. Processing alcohol. It takes, on average, about one hour for the liver to process one standard drink, whether its beer, wine or spirits. The effect of alcohol is determined by how much people drink, not what they drink. Remember, men and women process alcohol differently, so keep that in mind when thinking of a potential “last call”.
  5. Mix it up. Plan some fun activities that don’t revolve around drinking alcohol. For example, have fun playing board games, or charades with your group of friends, or enjoying a barbecue and marshmallow roasting!
  6. Getting home. Plan ahead to get guests home safely! Be sure there are designated driver or organize a taxi / ride share. Remember, there is no excuse to drive impaired.

With these six tips in mind, you’ll be sure to host a summer gathering that will be memorable for all the right reasons! By weaving moderation into celebrations, we help ensure that people have a good time and enjoy themselves without overdoing it.

Learn more interesting facts about alcohol and its effects on the body at or about the consequences of driving impaired through Wrong Side of the Road, a virtual learning experience that allows people to virtually interact with real-life former impaired drivers that share the impact in their lives of making the wrong decisions when drinking.

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