Solar Power World Names Ameresco a Top Solar Contractor of 2022

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Ameresco, Inc., (NYSE: AMRC), a leading cleantech integrator specializing in energy efficiency and renewable energy, today announced that Solar Power World has named it to its national list of 2022 Top Solar Contractors. Ameresco is also ranked as a top solar and storage installer, a top commercial solar contractor, and a top solar contractor in the District of Columbia and across several states, including Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Arizona, California, Rhode Island and Hawaii.

The Top Solar Contractors list is developed each year by industry magazine Solar Power World to honor the work of solar installers in the United States. Solar firms in the utility, commercial and residential markets are ranked by the number of kilowatts installed in the previous year. Companies are grouped and listed by specific services, markets and states.

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“It’s an honor to be recognized by one of our industry’s leading news outlets as a top solar contractor,” said George Sakellaris, CEO of Ameresco. “Solar solutions have played a key role in the energy transition thus far and will continue to make an even larger impact when paired with additional technologies such as battery energy storage systems (BESS). We are eager to continue our work in partnership with our customers to drive sustainability and resiliency in all of our energy projects.”

In addition to being ranked at the district and state level, as well as 59th overall on Solar Power World’s list of 411 leading solar companies, Ameresco was also named to the top commercial solar contractor list and the top solar and storage installers list.

“The utility-scale solar market, of course, puts up huge installation numbers each year, but the majority of workers in the industry are constructing projects in the commercial and residential markets, which continue to break records,” said Kelly Pickerel, editor-in-chief of Solar Power World. “Over 85% of the companies on the 2022 Top Solar Contractors List primarily work in the residential and commercial sectors, and they all reported closing out the last year in a positive light.”

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