Global Sports Betting & Lotteries Industry Research Report 2022 –

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The «Global Sports Betting & Lotteries – Industry Market Research Report» report has been added to’s offering

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry’s key players and their market shares.

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The Global Sports Betting and Lotteries industry consists of operations providing gambling services such as sports betting and lottery contests.

While it is possible to wager small amounts for sporting events, gambling is considered a discretionary purchase for consumers, and therefore, the industry is primarily driven by the state of the economy. However, revenue growth for lotteries is relatively stable as lottery tickets are inexpensive and widespread market acceptance enables the industry to remain relevant.

The industry has performed well over the five years to 2019. Over the five years to 2024, industry growth is expected to be driven by increased legalization of sports betting and rising per capita disposable income, especially in emerging economies.

Operators in this industry offer legal gambling on lotteries, including draw lotteries, Lotto, Keno and scratch tickets, as well as wagering on official sporting events, including horse racing. The industry also includes noncasino video machines.

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