nanameue Announces Brand Renewal for the Web3 Virtual World of Yay! With Concept Movie

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nanameue, Inc., a leading company of the democratization of social networking in Japan, announced its brand renewal for “Yay!”—the web3 virtual world where everyone can be exactly who they want to be—with a new concept video.

This release comes at the same time as nanameue’s announcement for intended Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) participation, as the company looks to expand its mission of “Building Community with Science” through the formation of its own token economy.

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Yay! was started in January 2020 as a virtual world, with the concept of “providing a place where everyone can belong.” Over 5.5 million Yay! users get together with friends based on interests, enjoy group phone calls, and create new connections every day.

The Reason Behind Yay!’s Brand Renewal

Unlike other social media platforms where users primarily view the posts of influencers taking up all the spotlight, Yay! provides a community where everyone can be themselves, let loose, share what they like freely, and connect with other people about their unapologetic interests.

In order to continue evolving as a flat-structured social environment rich in diversity, values, and expression, Yay! needs its community to be able to operate and grow autonomously.

Thus, nanameue is planning to sell NFTs and issue original tokens to be used on Yay! By doing so, the company aims to realize its truly sustainable virtual world where all its members can be themselves and enjoy every day.

nanameue has demonstrated its commitment to Yay! with this brand renewal, showcasing how its users can “find their interests and get connected in the new world with their virtual identities.”

With the ongoing update of the Yay! official website, logo, and app, the brand renewal will reflect just how richly filled the virtual world of Yay! is with the passions of a wide variety of users.

New Yay! Concept Video

In the Yay! concept video, a young woman in university waits to get on a train, and as soon as she opens the Yay! app, the inside of the train transforms into a microcosm of Yay!

It is delivered with the hip hop-based original song, “Lost in Yay! World” illustrating Yay! as a place for anyone, anywhere, at any time.

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