Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield to Offer Coverage in the Covered Connecticut Program

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Enrollment for Covered Connecticut, a new health program from the State of Connecticut that offers free healthcare coverage to eligible families will open by July 1, 2022. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is proud to offer a participating plan as part of the program.

Families that qualify could access Anthem’s Silver PPO Standard Pathway health plan, tools, and programs at no cost. The way this program works is that the State of Connecticut will pay monthly premiums and cost-sharing amounts including deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and maximum out-of-pocket costs on behalf of participating members.

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“Connecticut’s healthcare system is home to best-in-class hospitals and major players in the insurance industry. This is great news, but we still have work to do for our system to thrive,” said Lou Gianquinto, President, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Connecticut. “The Covered Connecticut program is an important step toward improving access to affordable, high-quality healthcare for people across the state.”

The Anthem plan in the Covered Connecticut program includes a large network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals, as well as innovative tools such as virtual primary care within the SydneySM Health app. Additionally, this year the Covered Connecticut program will include expanded benefits such as dental coverage and rides to the doctor at no cost.

For more information about who qualifies and how to enroll, visit:, contact a broker for free, or call Access Health CT at 855-805-4325, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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