EA Elektro-Automatik Opens New Technology and Training Center in Detroit

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EA Elektro-Automatik, a leading manufacturer of programmable power supplies, bidirectional power supplies and regenerative electronic loads, announces the opening of its new Technology and Training Center in Troy, MI. The center will offer product demos, training and pre-purchase testing available to companies in the nearby region and countrywide.

EA Elektro-Automatik provides advanced power test technology that differentiates it from competitors. EA Elektro-Automatik units lead the industry in power density with up to 15kW in 3U and 30kW in a 4U package. Additionally, EA bidirectional units provide best-in-class energy recovery, more than 96%, and the ability to generate less heat, noise and operational costs, resulting in a quicker ROI.

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The new center will feature an advanced demo lab available for in-person training and testing, as well as a video demonstration lab for remote sessions, so customers can test various power supplies and software tools. Video demonstrations are conducted by application engineers and incorporate up to six cameras for multiple views. Appointments for the video demo lab can be reserved in as quickly as two days.

“We are excited to offer a convenient way for customers to test our products and software tools or participate in hands-on demonstrations and training,” remarked Eric Turner, Americas Director of EA Elektro-Automatik. “Our new center will provide a powerful way to showcase our advantages and capabilities to better serve the rapid growth in electrification research and manufacturing in the territory.”

While the center expects to serve the local automotive industry, customers and prospects from around the country are also encouraged to come to the center for their training and pre-purchase testing needs. National growth in electric vehicles, alternative energy technology and energy storage have expanded applications for EA customers, driving the demand for advanced testing equipment.

Turner added, “we have partnered with a number of renewable energy companies to help them test demanding power applications. The new center adds to our ability to create long-term partnerships with these companies to help move their technology forward to meet their development and sustainability objectives.”

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