Epicor Reimagines the Mobile Warehouse to Win Motorola Solutions Hong Kong App Challenge

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Epicor, a global leader of industry-specific enterprise software to promote business growth, today announced it was awarded a prestigious win at the Motorola Solutions App Challenge in Hong Kong for the Warehouse category. The company demonstrated its deep industry expertise by developing a warehouse management app that addressed common warehouse operational issues such as keeping workers safe and improving work performance, efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

“More than 21,000 customers worldwide depend on our expertise every single day to give their businesses a competitive edge. This award shows that their trust in us is well-placed,” said Vincent Tang, regional vice president for Epicor Asia. “The business landscape has evolved greatly over the last two years, especially with digitalization speeding up. This milestone win recognizes us as a top solutions provider in helping our manufacturing customers transform their operations to realize greater efficiency and productivity.”

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The Epicor Warehouse app entry leveraged the company’s Kinetic manufacturing platform and the Motorola Solutions MOTOTRBO™ Ion Commercial Smart Radio to tackle key warehouse management challenges including:

  • Overwhelming manual or paper-based operations creating redundant procedures that waste time and increase labor costs, leading to data inaccuracy and human errors
  • Lack of traceability, visibility, and quality control leading to inaccurate stock levels and the build-up of obsolete inventory
  • Lack of visibility of current inventory, fast-moving SKUs, expiring or expired SKUs, pending sales orders, and required materials
  • Improper maintenance because of poor operational and enterprise asset management

Through the innovative app, Epicor successfully demonstrated increases in fulfillment speeds, a reduction in inventory costs, improved line-side uptime and yield protection, and allowed for better decision-making and effective management practices which would lead to stronger customer satisfaction.

To learn more about the Motorola Solutions App Challenge, please visit https://msiac.site.

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