Food Security Top Concern for Majority of Americans

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As Russia’s war in Ukraine continues, and supply-chain disruptions and production shortfalls threaten the flow of crops around the world, Americans are significantly concerned about global food security.

According to a new Harris Poll commissioned by Bayer, a majority of Americans are concerned about food shortages (71%) and “food deserts,” or regions of the country where people have limited access to nutritious and affordable food (69%). The poll of 2,010 adults, conducted in June of this year, was commissioned in an effort to chart the sentiment of Americans on food security at this historic time.

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Ninety percent of Americans are currently concerned with inflation and the increasing price of goods and services. The impact of the global food crisis is apparent across the country’s grocery stores.

The Harris Poll survey revealed that 87% of Americans are particularly concerned about the rising cost of groceries. Sparse shelves are amplifying these worries, with 76% of respondents indicating they are seeing more empty shelves at grocery stores now than at the beginning of 2022.

“Within the next three months, a quarter of a billion people will have less access to food1,” says Patrick Lockwood-Taylor, President, Bayer U.S. and President, Consumer Health, North America. “That is starting to approach starvation conditions. As always, it is the most underserved populations who are at greatest risk. As one of the country’s leading life sciences companies, Bayer is solving for this issue head-on in pursuit of our vision of Health for All, Hunger for None. Bayer is committed to empowering farmers on the ground by providing access to the seed and technologies they need to be most effective during this time of hardship. We must all do our part – as individuals and organizations – to help address global food security now.”

Bayer’s investment in its vegetable seeds business, which helps farmers produce nutritious crops globally, allows for growers to ensure maximum production. Additionally, Bayer is committed to equipping American farmers with breakthrough innovations and amplifying tool accessibility to help close the food security gap.

To support Ukrainian farmers, Bayer recently donated about 40,000 bags of seed to grow food on nearly 30,000 hectares. Americans’ rising concerns about food access and security indicate how imperative it is for Bayer to continue to direct targeted resources to farmers, so they can feed the world.

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