Football Superstar Bobby Wagner Latest Athlete to Join Sports Nutrition Brand Ladder

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Ladder, the sports nutrition company founded by LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger, today announced that football superstar Bobby Wagner, has joined the Ladder family of athletes and will serve as a company ambassador and spokesperson.

Wagner uses Ladder® supplements to help prep for games and assist with his post-game recovery routine as he and his teammates start the pro football season seeking a second straight championship.

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«I’m super excited to join the Ladder family. Throughout my career, I’ve always placed a huge emphasis on proper nutrition. Ladder’s clean products help me take care of my body so that I can maximize performance and compete at the highest level.«

Ladder is dedicated to creating high-performance, NSF Certified for Sport® workout supplements that are used by more than 50 professional sports teams. Crafted by science and nutrition experts, Ladder formulates its products to complement a strong nutritional foundation and to help unlock the next level in training and performance for athletes and consumers alike.

Ladder recently announced that its products are available for the first time in retail stores, via an exclusive partnership with The Vitamin Shoppe, an omni-channel specialty retailer of nutritional products.

Ladder products are now on shelves at over 690 locations of The Vitamin Shoppe and on, as well as the company’s Super Supplements stores across the country. Previously, Ladder products were available only online.

Wagner, voted one of the top 30 players currently in the NFL, is an 8-time Pro Bowl honoree and 8-time All-Pro linebacker. He joins a growing Ladder roster of athletes including LeBron James, Trea Turner, and women’s boxing champion Seniesa Estrada among others.

All Ladder products can be seen at: Ladder Supplements & Bundles: All You Need To Support Your Goals

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