Helix and Visa DPS Collaboration Gives Companies a Personalized Approach to Fraud Management

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Helix by Q2 (NYSE: QTWO), a cloud-native core purpose-built for embedded finance, today announced it has embedded its finance platform with Visa Debit Processing Service’s data and fraud solutions. This collaboration will provide a personalized and cardholder-centric approach to fraud management, allowing fintechs and consumer brands access to PCI-compliant fraud and risk management solutions through the Helix Admin Console.

The multi-tenant architecture of the Helix solution, combined with Visa fraud tools including Risk Services Manager (RSM), provides customers with permissions-based, PCI-compliant fraud and risk management solutions. This allows each Helix customer to customize its risk management approach while saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in compliance expenses. Visa risk tools enable each customer to create, test and execute custom fraud rules across their entire portfolio or thoughtfully apply risk strategies in a personalized approach to just a segment of their cardholders.

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Visa, the world’s leader in digital payments, holds a significant footprint in the US and Canada. Visa Debit Processing Service processes for over 200 clients and, in collaboration with Helix, supports millions of users.

“Making finance human means enabling companies to take a personalized approach across all aspects of the relationship, including their approach to fraud and risk management,” said Ahon Sarkar, general manager of Helix. “As the first embedded finance platform to give companies access to Visa DPS’ robust suite of fraud solutions, Helix delivers differentiation across card services, fraud and risk management to provide customers with a unique, context-based solution that is scalable as customers add more users. We are excited to continue evolving our long-term partnership with Visa and helping our partners build unique and innovative products that grow into sustainable businesses. ”

”As consumer demand for seamless solutions continues to grow, working with partners like Helix helps Visa to meet consumers where they are,” said Todd Brockman, senior vice president of issuing solutions, Visa, Inc. “This continued collaboration allows users to help scale their business, no matter how much it grows and evolves.”

To learn more about Helix by Q2, visit helix.q2.com.

About Helix by Q2

Helix gives innovative fintech and brands the building blocks of banking — accounts, cards, payments, data and controls, admin tools, and monetization solutions — to make it easy to embed personalized financial experiences that easily integrate and scale. For more information on Helix, visit helix.q2.com.

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