Kepner-Tregoe Announces New Digital Transformation Practice

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Kepner-Tregoe (KT), the global leader in critical thinking skill development and process improvement, proudly announces the creation of a new business unit focused specifically on providing consulting services, analytics, and capability development supporting the digital transformation of clients around the globe.

Beginning 1 January 2023, this new practice will help organizations effectively utilize big data to generate new insights into their businesses while optimizing and automating workflows and integrating them with KT’s industry-renowned critical thinking tools.

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“These solutions will help clients improve performance, efficiency, and quality while ‘leveling up’ their capabilities,” said Christoph Goldenstern, VP and head of the new Digital Practice unit.

Early in 2022, KT began offering clients a new service that utilized Process Mining, a fast-growing technology designed to apply data mining to business process management. The service systematically improves the flow, speed, compliance and quality of critical processes.

Having successfully developed and proven the service with clients across multiple industries, KT is now expanding its portfolio to include additional innovative digital workflow services.

“Today our clients can access more data than ever before, but data does not equal action or insight. That’s where Kepner-Tregoe comes in,” said Goldenstern. “Kepner-Tregoe’s unique capabilities for understanding complex situations and systems, and solving and managing problems, along with fact-based decision-making, will enable an organization to efficiently move from insight to targeted solutions that deliver measurable value, while transferring and embedding those skills into the organization itself.”

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