National Hispanic Energy Policy Council Launches at Puerto Rican Summit in Orlando

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The National Hispanic Energy Policy Council launched on Friday to advocate for affordable, reliable energy and highlight the outsized energy burden faced by Hispanic families in the U.S., The Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FSHCC) announced on Friday.

«The Council will also ensure policy makers hear our voice when it comes to bad ideas, such as disadvantaging american energy production while courting dictators like Venezuela´s corrupt and illegitimate president to sell oil».

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FSHCC will house the council and work in coordination with Houston-based Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and small businesses, to build a bipartisan coalition of leaders of Hispanic groups from across the country. FSHCC CEO and President Julio Fuentes will chair the council, while CEA Southwest Director Matthew Gonzales will serve as vice chair from New Mexico.

“The rampant inflation and record gasoline prices all Americans are facing right now is bad enough, but Hispanic families bear a 20% higher energy cost burden than the median U.S. family,” Fuentes said. “Transportation costs are soaring with no end in sight, and this especially hurts many Hispanic entrepreneurs, workers and small businesses across the country.”

“There has never been a more important time than now to unify the strength of America’s diverse Hispanic populations into a single voice that highlights our perspectives on something all Americans need: affordable and accessible energy,” Fuentes said. “The council will also ensure policy makers hear our voice when it comes to bad ideas, such as disadvantaging American energy production while courting dictators like Venezuela’s corrupt and illegitimate president to sell oil.”

“We are pleased to serve the council as part of our continuous advocacy for policies that increase energy affordability and reliability for all American families and small businesses,” Gonzales said. “CEA looks forward to working with the council to help educate elected leaders, policy makers and the Hispanic public on what good energy policy choices look like, in an era when America’s energy policy is clearly broken.”

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