BetterHelp Partners with The Hidden Dream to Support Immigrant Communities

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BetterHelp, the world’s largest therapy service, recently announced a partnership with The Hidden Dream, a non-profit created to raise awareness of the struggles faced by visa immigrants, share resources, and create a community to uplift the immigrant community.

BetterHelp will donate 150 months of therapy to members of The Hidden Dream. This partnership is BetterHelp’s most recent social impact initiative and continues its mission of making mental healthcare more accessible to everyone.

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“There should be no obstacles to getting mental healthcare for anyone who seeks it and we’re grateful that BetterHelp can provide that reality for young immigrants looking to access mental healthcare through our partnership with The Hidden Dream,” said Alon Matas, BetterHelp Founder and President.

Many US immigrants are confronted with barriers to accessing mental healthcare, as childhood visa arrivals are unable to get work permits and thus lack the income and resources necessary to access mental healthcare. With partnerships such as this one between BetterHelp and The Hidden Dream, there are fewer roadblocks on the way to getting mental healthcare that everyone deserves.

“The Hidden Dream is grateful to partner with BetterHelp to reduce the barriers to mental healthcare for the visa immigrant community. Mental health struggles are rarely acknowledged in our community and the trauma from living life in immigration status limbo is a heavy burden for a young immigrant to bear. The stress, pressure, and uncertainty that comes from being on a visa cannot be ignored and we are confident this resource will help many members in the visa immigrant community,” said Sumana Kaluvai, Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Hidden Dream.

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