El Gouna Continues To Dazzle With Its Superb Hosting Of Opera Aida

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Orascom Development is ecstatic to host the incredible Opera Aida performance in El Gouna, one of its renowned sustainable integrated towns in Egypt, and the most prominent destination nestled on the Red Sea, in cooperation with Ievents and RMC and brought by Red Sea governorate. It has always been their matchless vision since its inception to promote Egypt’s international perception and attract various types of tourism, portraying Egypt, and notably El Gouna, as a must-visit destination.

This year, Orascom Development is honored to host for the first time the outstanding 150th anniversary performance of Opera Aida in El Gouna. The show, was staged in a contemporary setting as part of Verdi’s masterpiece took place on October 13. It recounts the legendary story from a modern perspective, in honor of the magnificence of Ancient Egypt, with Soloists from the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters performing for the books.

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Historically, as an international event, Opera Aida is hosted every year in a different city in Egypt, with a different theme each time. If you love traditional art, opera, and theater, you will fall in love with the magnificent performance, and the remarkable work put into organizing such a large event.

Aida is a timeless narrative of love and betrayal set against the backdrop of conflict in Ancient Egypt. The plot is an emotional roller coaster presented through Verdi’s powerful music. She is an Ethiopian princess imprisoned in Egypt, and is in love with a General named Radames. When he is picked to lead a battle against Ethiopia, we witness Aida’s conflicted feelings for Radames and her country.

Without a doubt, El Gouna is a nexus of business, the arts, and culture; carving out a place on the map for unforgettable moments, and unique experiences. Over the course of its 33-year existence, it has been the host, and evolved into a home for the most successful events in the region’s history; becoming a cradle of Egyptian pop culture.

It is safe to state that Opera Aida is an important occasion that drew admirers of art and culture from all over the world to attend yet another outstanding annual performance. This year, El Gouna ensured that visitors not only appreciate the performance, but also the town and its wonderful ambience.

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