Getlink and Toulouse School of Economics Launch New Chair: The Initiative for Effective Corporate Climate Action

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Getlink (Paris:GET) and the Toulouse school of economics (TSE) announce the creation of the Initiative for Effective Corporate Climate Action. This research and exchange project will study the effectiveness of corporate climate action initiatives.

Getlink and Toulouse School of Economics Launch New Chair

Climate change is a fundamental challenge for businesses. They must transform to respond to a series of imperatives: the rapid and serious reduction in their greenhouse gas emissions, the broader decarbonization of their value chain, the analysis of the impacts of climate deregulation on their activities. Decarbonization efforts come with a cost, therefore their implementation needs to be driven through a double perspective, economic – the capacity to create value and prosperity – and climatic, to determine the most efficient route to achieve the goals of the Paris agreement.

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For Yann Leriche, Getlink CEO, “Energy transition will not happen if we deny the economic element. We are convinced that we must focus on the questions of the true ambition, speed and efficiency of corporate decarbonization strategies. We are delighted to partner with a world leader in this field, the Toulouse School of Economics.”

Academic research looks in depth at the interactions between economy and climate. In particular, it addresses, the levers available to aid decarbonization, the incentives provided to industry by stakeholders, regulatory constraints, and the influences on corporate strategic decision making. Christian Gollier, CEO of the TSE, stated “The combination of economic analysis and a scientific approach will be decisive in helping directors of both public and private entities to lead the global decarbonization agenda.”

As time has never been so much of the essence, TSE is delighted to welcome the Chair for the Initiative for Effective Corporate Climate Action. An international centre of excellence in the economy of the common good and in climate research, TSE is today strengthening its capabilities through this partnership with Getlink.

The activities of the Chair will include:

  • Research
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Developing case studies and supervising student projects
  • Publications and « master classes » to share research with public and private sector specialists and the media
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