Mitsubishi Electric Announces Changes in Oversight and Structure of Investor Relations and Shareholder Relations

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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today that responsibility for the functions of investor relations (IR) and shareholder relations (SR) will be newly assigned to an Executive Officer, effective this coming January 1, pursuant to a resolution passed during a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on December 22. The company also announced a change in the company’s IR and SR organizational structure, effective on the same date.

So far, IR and SR have been managed by the company’s Corporate Finance Division and Corporate Administration Division, respectively, but these duties will now be consolidated under an Executive Officer. The purposes are to facilitate more comprehensive dialogue and information sharing with stakeholders in regard to these functions, and also to better reflect capital-market perspectives and opinions in the execution and oversight of IR and SR management.

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In this regard, the company will establish a new division, the Corporate IR and SR Division, dedicated to dealing with IR and SR under the direct control of the CEO.

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