Mitsubishi Electric to Acquire U.S.-based Computer Protection Technology

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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today that its U.S. subsidiary Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. (MEPPI) has formally agreed to acquire all shares of Computer Protection Technology, Inc. (CPT), headquartered in San Diego, California, aiming to expand its uninterruptible power supply (UPS) business in North America. Going forward, MEPPI and CPT will strengthen their respective business structures to provide highly reliable and professional one-stop services—from installation to maintenance—for UPS systems in the North American market.

Demand for UPS has been growing rapidly in parallel with rising needs for data centers due to the increasing popularization of cloud services, mobile devices and big data. Facility and service operators rely critically on stable UPS equipment operation and the ability of UPS providers to respond immediately to any emergency.

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As a proven UPS maintenance company, CPT has long earned the trust of customers in the greater California area. By acquiring CPT, Mitsubishi Electric expects to leverage its newly broadened capabilities in order to grow its UPS business in the expanding North American market.

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