Bee Mobile Joins the Nodle / Polkadot IoT Alliance as a Strategic Network Developer

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Bee Mobile is joining the Nodle Network as a Strategic Network Developer, connecting last mile electric vehicles to Nodle’s next generation network. Nodle is a blockchain based, citizen-powered decentralized wireless network that provides enterprise grade, low-cost, secure connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT). The Nodle Network uses Bluetooth and a citizen crowd of millions of smartphones to create a global wireless network.

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Bee Mobile is a fast growing, last mile electric mobility company, deploying electric vehicles including the Bee Mobile scooter and bike platforms in markets across the USA. Bee Mobile will leverage the Nodle Network to locate and connect Bluetooth-enabled vehicles, reducing reliance on expensive and power-consuming 4G connectivity. As connectivity makes up a significant percentage of electric mobility operating costs, Nodle gives Bee Mobile a competitive edge.


Bee Mobile is piloting The Nodle Network by provisioning their electric vehicles’ already enabled Bluetooth Identities onto the Nodle Network. Anyone running the Nodle Cash app, or Network Contributors running the Nodle SDK will be able to securely and anonymously locate Bee Mobile scooters, bikes and vehicles. In exchange, Network Contributors are paid in Nodle Cash Cryptocurrency for locating Bee Mobile devices.

To further reduce costs of connectivity, Bee Mobile will be deploying the Nodle Cash SDK in their own mobile app. By running the Nodle SDK in their App, and with the permission of their users, the Bee Mobile community anonymously and securely connects nearby IoT Devices, along with their own vehicles. This enables Bee Mobile to act as a Network Contributor, earning Nodle Cash by deploying Network Coverage, and use those earnings to pay for vehicle connectivity as a Network Subscriber.

“Nodle will give us a new way to provide more accurate location information, offset our 4G connectivity expenses, and provide a fun way for our riders to earn Nodle cash. I couldn’t be more excited as this will make the experience better for everyone.” – Zef Vataj, CEO, Bee Mobile


Through Bee Mobile using a wireless network that it is also helping to deploy, connectivity costs can be reduced even further. In the rapidly growing world of last mile electric mobility, a way to reduce operating costs can have a significant impact on the overall economics of shared mobility networks.

Bee Mobile is excited to be announcing new locations all over the East Coast in early 2022 and expansion across the US throughout the year.

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