Cathay Bank Offers Autobooks Digital Banking Solutions

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Cathay Bank announced that it has expanded its online business solutions to offer payment and invoicing services through Autobooks.

Autobooks is an emerging leader in digital invoicing and payment acceptance and is a leading integrated-payments provider for small business banking. The integration of Autobooks’ invoicing and payment acceptance module into the Cathay Bank Online Business Banking platform can help small business owners better manage cash flow and keep track of their customers’ payment status. With just a few clicks, this innovative accounting tool helps create and send invoices, schedule recurring invoices, and receive online payments directly into their Cathay Bank account.

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“When we opened our doors as a commercial bank 60 years ago, we made it our job to accompany our business clients on each step of their financial journey,” said Randy Browning, SVP, Director of Treasury Management Sales. “We understand the importance of cash flow management. By teaming up with Autobooks, we hope to make invoicing and payment acceptance more seamless for our business clients, so that they can get paid quicker.”

The service is available to Cathay Bank’s business clients at a very competitive fee. Learn more about how Cathay Bank can help business owners get paid faster with Autobooks, visit

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