Mutual of Omaha Introduces New Hospital Indemnity Product

- Publicidad -

Mutual of Omaha has launched a new hospital indemnity product that enhances its employer-provided benefits packages.

Hospital indemnity insurance can help fill the gaps and cover unexpected costs that an employee’s health insurance may not – so they are prepared to handle the hospital expenses and focus on recovery.

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Mutual of Omaha’s hospital indemnity insurance offers complete, competitive and flexible plan designs that can be packaged with other products on one bill. Benefits and plan options are fully customizable and include HSA and non-HSA compatible features.

Other key benefit features employers and employees have access to with hospital indemnity insurance include:

  • Benefits for hospital and ICU admission and confinement
  • Express benefit
  • Portability
  • Guarantee issue
  • No benefit/pregnancy waiting periods
  • Alternative maternity care benefits
  • Mental health and substance abuse benefits

Optional features include:

  • Child sports injury benefit
  • Health screening benefit
  • Health system benefit
  • Telemedicine benefit
  • Workplace health services benefit

“Mutual of Omaha is excited to offer hospital indemnity insurance to complete our supplemental health product offerings,” said Scott Ault, Executive VP, Workplace Solutions, at Mutual of Omaha. “It can be packaged with other ancillary benefits on one convenient bill and is support by dedicated enrollment professionals, implementation and service teams that Mutual of Omaha is known for.”

For more information visit

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