Lionel Richie Partners With All-In-One Healthcare Company, Devoted Health

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The iconic singer, actor, and American Idol judge, Lionel Richie is partnering with Devoted Health, a new kind of healthcare company providing all-in-one care for Americans on Medicare.

Richie has long been dedicated to improving healthcare access, and through this partnership, he will support Devoted Health’s expanding efforts to offer higher-quality care to more Americans on Medicare across the country.

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“Getting great healthcare needs to be a lot easier for folks. Devoted is making this happen by bringing all of the ingredients for quality healthcare together.” Richie said. “Devoted cares for each member with all-in-one healthcare. Better quality healthcare from better coordination of care can really make a difference to folks who want to live their best and most fulfilling lives. I am excited to partner with Devoted to change and improve healthcare in America!”

Devoted Health is changing healthcare for the better through its innovative all-in-one healthcare solution, which combines Devoted Health Medicare Advantage plans, access to top local providers alongside specialized care delivered by Devoted Medical, full-service guides for more personalized coordination, and world-class technology that powers it all. The result of bringing these exceptional ingredients together into one seamless offering is a complete, coordinated, and customized healthcare experience for each Devoted member.

«We are thrilled to work with Lionel Richie, who is such an inspiring leader and so deeply passionate about making healthcare easier for everyone,” said Todd Park, Executive Chairman of Devoted Health. «We couldn’t imagine a better spokesperson and ally than Lionel Richie.»

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