J.B. Hunt Announces Induction Into the Anderson Assembly Society at MD Anderson Cancer Center

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J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: JBHT), one of the largest supply chain solutions providers in North America, announced today it has been inducted into the Anderson Assembly at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, a society created to recognize philanthropic donors who have made a lifetime commitment to supporting the mission of MD Anderson.

“MD Anderson is an organization that is dear to J.B. Hunt as many of our employees utilize their expertise and resources,” said Brad Hicks, president of highway services and executive vice president of people at J.B. Hunt. “We are proud to extend our support to MD Anderson as its experts pioneer innovative cancer care and research to improve the health and quality of life for people across the world.”

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J.B. Hunt created The J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. Cancer Prevention and Control Endowment with a $1 million gift to MD Anderson to support the launch of The Joint Center on Geospatial Analysis and Health led by MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention and Control Platform in partnership with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. The overall goal of the endowment is to advance MD Anderson’s reach and impact, nationally, by accelerating the development and dissemination of evidence-based strategies, community services, policy interventions and knowledge to reduce the cancer incidence and mortality. With J.B. Hunt’s philanthropic support, MD Anderson will be able to use data to better aid medically-underserved communities, ultimately expanding support across the U.S.

“J.B. Hunt’s leadership directly enabled a novel vision to help communities access expert analyses at the intersection of place and health,” said Michael T. Walsh, Jr., executive director of the Cancer Prevention and Control Platform. “This work, built as a global public good, will ensure that communities can easily use the data necessary to prioritize evidence-based actions and to strengthen the systems underlying the achievement of good health.”

MD Anderson in Houston ranks as one of the world’s most respected centers focused on cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. The institution’s sole mission is to end cancer for patients and their families around the world. MD Anderson is No. 1 for cancer in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Hospitals” rankings, and has been named one of the nation’s top two hospitals for cancer since the rankings started in 1990.

As part of its induction into the Anderson Assembly, J.B. Hunt will be featured in MD Anderson’s Faces of Philanthropy Exhibit – an onsite museum showcase for donor stories and how philanthropy has impacted the organization.

J.B. Hunt remains focused on enhancing the quality of life for its people and communities through healthcare organizations that serve their health needs, ensuring they feel supported.

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