FashWire and GlossWire are Honored to Support Why Not You Foundation

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For the month of March, FashWire (App Store and Google Play) and GlossWire (App Store and Google Play) are donating $1USD for every app download to support the mission of the Why Not You Foundation. Founded in 2014, Russell Wilson and Ciara’s Why Not You Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to education, children’s health, fighting poverty and empowering today’s youth to embrace a “Why Not You” attitude.

“As FashWire and GlossWire further our belief in honoring philanthropic leaders, partnering with the Why Not You Foundation was an obvious decision as Russell Wilson, the founder of WNYF, exemplifies outstanding character and leadership in the home, on the field and in the community,” stated FashWire and GlossWire Founder and CEO Kimberly Carney. “As FashWire and GlossWire continue our commitment to donating $1USD a download to meaningful philanthropic causes, it is wonderful to give back to such a legendary leader and organization that truly empowers change, one individual at a time.”

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“Kimberly has been a long-standing champion of the Why Not You Foundation and has always found a way to incorporate our mission of helping the next generation into her charity efforts,” said Carly Young, Executive Director of the Why Not You Foundation. “We are so grateful for her ongoing support and generosity.”

“Encouraging and challenging today’s youth to embrace opportunities, overcome obstacles and make a positive impact in their communities is paramount to the success of the next generation,” Carney added. “Russell and Ciara’s commitment to philanthropy is wholly in line with ours at FashWire and GlossWire as we seek to leverage our fashion and beauty global platforms to bring attention to vital causes such as this.”

To download the apps and donate $1USD to Why Not You Foundation, please visit FashWire (App Store and Google Play) and GlossWire (App Store and Google Play).

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