Three Pillars Capital Group Appoints Co-Founder Gautam Goyal as President & Chief Executive Officer

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Three Pillars Capital Group, a vertically integrated private equity firm specializing in Class B and C multifamily, today announced it has appointed co-founder and Managing Principal Gautam Goyal as President and Chief Executive Officer. Three Pillars co-founder Josh Welch, who had previously served as CEO, will transition from the role to serve as COO.

As CEO, Goyal will oversee high-level investment strategy and operations for Three Pillars and its portfolio of approximately 3,000 units, as well as the firm’s property management arm, Greenline Apartment Management. The firm has completed more than $500 million in transactions since its founding in 2017, spanning both the Texas and Oklahoma markets.

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“Three Pillars has seen immense growth over the last four years, building a significant portfolio and a track record of successful transactions that has established us as a force in the multifamily market,” said Goyal. “I look forward to working alongside Josh in our respective roles to expand our platform and continue to deliver quality multifamily product and consistent returns for our investment partners.”

In his new role as COO, Welch will focus more squarely on investor relations and capital raising to further drive Three Pillars’ growth. Welch has previously held multiple positions managing institutional portfolios across the U.S. including CEO of Wolverine Realty and Senior Portfolio Manager and Lead Quantitative Developer for Tesseract Asset Management, LLC.

“It has been a tremendous honor to serve as CEO of Three Pillars since its founding, and I look forward to working more closely with our board to refine and execute our investment strategy in my new role as Chief Operating Officer,” said Welch. “Gautam’s unmatched skills and knowledge of both our business and the broader multifamily market make him the perfect choice to build on Three Pillars’ momentum to date, and continue to expand our platform to meet the growing demand for high-quality, affordable rental housing. My role as COO will help us solidify and expand our investment base and allow us to close more deals at a faster rate.”

Prior to founding Three Pillars, Goyal worked at a hedge fund as an energy trader trading natural gas and crude oil. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Economics from the University of Houston C.T. Bauer College of Business, where he recently established “The Gautam Goyal Family Scholarship,” awarded annually to students at the school.

About Three Pillars Capital Group

Three Pillars Capital Group is a Houston-based, vertically integrated private equity firm specializing in Class B and C multifamily communities. Founded in 2017, the firm currently has over $500 million worth of assets under management, and has established a strong track record of providing investors with significant realized returns. To date, its investments include more than 3,000 residential units. With over two decades of combined experience, Three Pillars has a deep understanding of the market and valuable relationships across the real estate industry. The firm specializes in repositioning multifamily properties with value-add initiatives which generate returns for both investors and residents.

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