Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Speeds Up Market Data Delivery to Their Clients Using Denodo Platform

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Denodo, the leader in data integration and management, today announced that the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has chosen the Denodo Platform as a strategic component of their modern data management architecture, to enable better and faster distribution of market data to their clients.

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as one of the regulators and trade organizers in the Indonesian Capital Market provides various Market Data product solutions which are developed to provide information to the public in order to support the right decision making.

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“We are making it easier for our members and subscribers to receive market data and are more focused on delivering trusted data in real-time.” said Laksono W.Widodo, Director of Trading and Membership at IDX. “Leveraging a logical approach to data management and integration is key to meeting this objective and improving our data services offerings.”

IDX receives a significant volume of transactional data daily, for example, Stock & Bond trading data. This data resides in distributed, stand-alone systems. There are different data structures and a broad network of both internal and external data sources that need to be connected, combined and consumed. The logical data fabric enabled by Denodo Platform allows all of this disparate data to be managed in a single place.

“The first data challenge that we solved using Denodo was to integrate real-time messaging and streaming data with other API data sources to support our new Market Data system initiative,” said Laksono “and we see other use cases for Denodo. So, it will be a critical part of our longer-term data architecture as we expand our data sources”.

Denodo will be used to improve data management and governance through the single logical data layer that it provides and accelerate information delivery.

“We are very proud to be working with IDX, to help them establish secure access to market data for their clients,” said Ravi Shankar, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Denodo. “The advanced data integration and management capabilities of the Denodo Platform provide significant benefits to organizations like IDX, that use it for accelerating data access and improving speed-to-market.”

Please Tweet: News: Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has chosen @denodo as a strategic component of their modern data management architecture #datavirtualization #datamanagement #logicaldatafabric

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