What Can We Learn From Some of the World’s Top Creative Leaders? I See Something Special in You by Laine Publishing Turns to Industry Experts to Understand Today’s Leadership

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What drives creativity in the world’s most innovative companies? How is creativity and talent harnessed to lead these global businesses?

Timo Kiuru, an internationally recognized creative director, ventured on a mission to discover the answers to these questions. He reached out to numerous innovation experts with decades of experience in leading creative teams and asked them to share their insights. In his new book, I See Something Special in You: How Creative Leaders Turn Potential Into Superpower, he tells the stories of 15 leaders from all over the world.

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The interviewees include, among others, Tom Goodwin, a speaker, author and consultant, Fri Forjindam, an award-winning global leader in themed entertainment, Rob Campbell, who has worked in international advertising for more than 30 years, and Nicola Mansfield, one of Australia’s leading business change-makers and strategic creative thinkers. What turned out to be the common thread in all their stories was the ability to see something special in a person. The essence of leadership is in the skill to nurture people’s individual growth.

“In knowledge-based work, you will not gain a competitive edge by making people feel like cogs in the machine. It is vital for companies to delve deeper into understanding human behavior. My goal was to write a book that would be based on real life and be a helpful tool for tackling our changing society and working life,” Timo Kiuru says.

Timo Kiuru is a global creative director who travels the world to speak to professional audiences about innovation, leadership and change. Timo was recognized with the global 40 Under 40 industry award in Texas in 2016 and Speaker of the Year honorary award in 2019 in Helsinki. With this book, he wants to change how creativity is seen in business.

I See Something Special in You: How Creative Leaders Turn Potential Into Superpower comes out on the 26th of August by Laine Publishing, an international publishing house located in Finland.

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