DHgate Co-launches BRICS Women Innovation Contest Alongside Industry Leaders to Unlock Innovative Her Power

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n promoting tangible outcomes for empowering women and driving innovation, the 2022 BRICS Women Innovation Contest is now open to all businesswomen in BRICS countries. Register now and receive a recommendation from DHgate.

The Contest aims to activate and unleash women’s innovation and creativity in green development, technological innovation, cultural creativity, healthcare, education and training, finance, cross-border e-commerce, and other fields. Hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), with DHgate and BRICS WBA China Chapter members including China Investment Corporation, GREE sponsoring, BRICS WBA Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa Chapters co-sponsoring, the Contest is organized by Deloitte and will focus on recognizing women who are devoted to promoting social welfare and economic development in different fields. The Contest also seeks to promote the exchange of best practices and innovative initiatives led by women and advance cooperation among businesswomen across BRICS nations.

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Inspired by the concept of putting people first, the BRICS Women Innovation Contest was first proposed at the BRICS Summit in November 2020 by the Chinese State Leader and received wide support from all BRICS Leaders. DHgate has been supportive in facilitating both the first and now the second Contest, in addition to driving many other similar initiatives to help women recognize their potential and power along their career paths.

“Women’s strengths have long been underestimated, and women’s empowerment has been greatly impacted amid the pandemic. We hope to contribute in helping women and women-led businesses to survive and thrive, through more empowerment initiatives like the BRICS Women Innovation Contest. We want to help and encourage women to be proud and expand their skillset with digital tools, and eventually be someone in the entrepreneurial world or workplace,” said Diane Wang, Founder, Chairperson, and CEO of DHgate.

All Business Women from BRICS Countries Eligible for Application

The Contest welcomes all businesswomen from BRICS countries, including those from SMEs and start-ups, to join in the assessment. Candidates with an outstanding performance in the following fields have a higher chance of succeeding in the Contest.

  1. Nationality and Personality: a citizen from one of the BRICS countries with outstanding qualities, including diligence, enthusiasm, tenacity, and creativity.
  2. Social Responsibility: attaches importance to social responsibility, sets comprehensive social influence as a development goal, and pushes the commitment of their team towards a common vision.
  3. Unique Technology and Business Model: involved with unique technology and business model.
  4. Industry and Market Prospects: possesses forward-looking strategic thinking and clear goals, making continuous investment in talent development, and possesses promising market prospects within the industry.

Awards and Rewards in Recognition of Innovation and Contribution

i. Awards

The Contest will offer the Mulan Award to 15 winners (3 from each country). In addition, a Special Contribution Award will be presented to 5 candidates (1 from each country) in recognition of their outstanding contributions in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic and their endeavour in building a global community of health for all.

ii. Rewards

In addition to a cash bonus of USD $3,000 for each winner, all winners will be invited to visit China (ALL EXPENSES COVERED) for networking and training, when the COVID-19 situation improves and restrictions have eased.

iii. Process

The Contest will last three months from March to May, 2022, under three stages: Online Registration, Assessment, and the Award Ceremony. The Award Ceremony will take place in Beijing by the end of May.

Stage 1: Online Registration (March 11 – May 1, 2022)
Stage 2: Assessment (May 1 – May 15, 2022)
Stage 3: Award Ceremony: (late May 2022, TBC)

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