JAG Insurance Group Partners with TradeStation Crypto to Provide Corporate Cryptocurrency Solution

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JAG Insurance Group (JAG) – a full-service South Florida-based commercial insurance agency with offices in Coral Gables and Delray Beach, and Charlotte, N.C. – announced today a partnership with TradeStation Crypto, Inc., a subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc. to open a corporate treasury account and expand the firm’s employee benefit offerings.

As digital pioneers with a deep understanding of the current market, JAG’s decision to partner with TradeStation Crypto reinforces the firm’s forward-thinking approach. Focused on creating a culture of innovation within the insurance industry, selecting a partner with a cryptocurrency platform allows the firm to diversify its investment portfolio.

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“Dedicated to enriching the experience of our employees, our firm is constantly expanding our benefits to align with the current global environment,” said Luis R. Gazitua, JAG Insurance Group principal. “With Cryptocurrency rising in prominence, partnering with TradeStation allows us to better understand the market and provide our staff with ongoing access to education. We’re excited at the possibilities this provides for our company and staff.”

Adapting to new demands by proactively staying ahead of emerging trends, JAG has implemented new technology to create a bridge between digital currencies and traditional payment options, officially issuing an insurance policy using cryptocurrency. Committed to pushing the envelope and offering their staff a robust and competitive benefit program, this partnership recognizes the growing importance of cryptocurrency, providing employees with insight on how to invest. More than half of JAG’s staff has enrolled in the firm’s bonus matching program with TradeStation.

We’re excited to see more South Florida-based companies entering the cryptocurrency space,” said James Putra, Vice President of Product Strategy at TradeStation Crypto. “There continues to be an increase in crypto investing at the corporate level, and we’re proud to provide companies with the tools needed to invest in cryptocurrency assets. We expect as more companies uncover the benefits of cryptocurrency; the trend will continue with rapid growth.”

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