Sherweb co-CEOs recognized on CRN’s 2022 top tech disruptors list

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Sherweb, a cloud marketplace leader, is pleased to announce that it is featured on CRN’s Top 100 executives list for 2022 in the Top 25 Disruptor category.

It is not the first time Sherweb’s executives have been recognized. Peter and Matthew Cassar were also featured on the CRN top 100 list in 2021.

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“We’re very proud to make the list,” said Matthew Cassar. “The past few years have been especially challenging for many organizations and Sherweb has remained committed to providing maximum value and excellent service to our clients and partners. To support their growth and expand our range of products, we’re hiring more staff across the organization to meet the increased demand for our services.”

Sherweb continues to expand its services offering for managed services providers (MSPs) as well as grow its own brand of innovative security solutions.

“Winning leaders embrace innovation while going all-in with partners in their commitment to accelerating business growth and digital transformation for their customers,” said Blaine Raddon, CEO of The Channel Company. “Their exceptional vision, know-how and execution contributed significantly to the strength of their companies, partners, customers, and the IT channel. Congratulations to the Cassars for successfully bringing channel-focused innovation to the market, enabling new growth opportunities, and producing one channel success story after another.”

The Top 100 Executives list will be featured in the August 2022 issue of CRN Magazine and available online at

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