Vitura Signs €94 Million Credit Agreement

- Publicidad -

Vitura (Paris:VTR) announces that it has successfully concluded a €94 million credit agreement to extend the maturity of an existing loan to 2025 and strengthen the Group’s financial structure.

The loan is secured by the Hanami campus, a 34,000 sq.m. property complex located in Rueil Malmaison just outside Paris, composed of eight office buildings surrounded by 25,000 sq.m. of greenery. Certified both NF HQE™ Exploitation «Excellent» and BREEAM In-Use International «Very Good», the asset features outstanding amenities and services, as well as three large tree-lined terraces. As from 2023, the campus will benefit from Vitura’s low-carbon strategy and will be connected to a geothermal energy grid, giving tenants access to renewable, competitively priced energy while saving 430 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year.

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As part of the transaction, Société Générale and La Banque Postale acted as arrangers and hedging banks and Société Générale acted as facility & security agent.

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