Confluent Medical Technologies Announces Grand Opening of Costa Rica Expansion

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Confluent Medical Technologies (Confluent), today announced the Grand Opening of the latest addition to their large scale manufacturing center of excellence in Alajuela, Costa Rica, expanding their capacity for Nitinol processing and catheter manufacturing.

This new facility will be co-located with the existing Confluent Costa Rica facility and will add an additional 66,000 square feet to this location. The new site greatly expands Confluent’s capacity to process Nitinol components, as well as produce complex catheters using a combination of clean rooms and white-space manufacturing.

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“Confluent has experienced consistent and strong growth in recent years,” says Confluent President & CEO Dean Schauer. “This expansion supports our new product pipeline which continues to grow at a rate greater than Confluent has previously experienced.”

Confluent supports some of the fastest growing medical device markets such as Interventional Neurovascular, Electrophysiology, Structural Heart, and Peripheral Vascular. As a result of the double-digit growth of these currently served markets, a substantial number of new products are coming into production and will utilize this new facility space immediately. Additionally, Confluent is considering additional expansion options beyond this new facility.

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