NuStar Energy L.P.’s 2021 Schedule K-3 Now Available

- Publicidad -

NuStar Energy, L.P. (NYSE: NS) today announced that its 2021 Schedule K-3, reflecting items of international tax relevance, is available online. Unitholders requiring this information may access their Schedules K-3 at in the Investors section of the website.

A limited number of unitholders (primarily foreign unitholders, unitholders computing a foreign tax credit on their tax return and certain corporate and/or partnership unitholders) may need the detailed information disclosed on Schedule K-3 for their specific reporting requirements. To the extent Schedule K-3 is applicable to your return filing needs, we encourage you to review the information contained on this form and refer to the appropriate federal laws and guidance or consult with your tax advisor.

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To receive an electronic copy of Schedule K-3 via email, NuStar Energy, L.P. unitholders may call Tax Package Support toll free at (844) 364-7560 for Series A, Series B and Series C preferred units and (800) 310-6595 for common units weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT.

NuStar Energy L.P., a publicly traded master limited partnership based in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the largest independent liquids terminal and pipeline operators in the nation. NuStar currently has approximately 10,000 miles of pipeline and 63 terminal and storage facilities that store and distribute crude oil, refined products, renewable fuels, ammonia and specialty liquids. The partnership’s combined system has approximately 49 million barrels of storage capacity, and NuStar has operations in the United States and Mexico. For more information, visit NuStar Energy L.P.’s website at and its Sustainability page at

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