Sunflower Bank, N.A. Expands Bank On-Certified Financial Empowerment Checking Account

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Sunflower Bank, N.A. announces its Bank On-Certified Achievement Checking Account is now available in all its Sunflower Bank and First National 1870 personal banking locations in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. The Achievement Checking account launched only in Sunflower Bank’s Texas locations in September 2022. The Achievement Checking Account is certified by the Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund’s Bank On National Account Standards (2023-24) for having 25 features for safe and affordable consumer transaction accounts.

“Access to a checking account is an important step for individuals seeking to achieve financial stability, and we are proud to extend our Achievement Checking Account product to all communities we serve,” said Doris Ortiz, Vice President and Community Development Officer at Sunflower Bank and First National 1870. “In addition to connecting people to safe and affordable accounts, Sunflower Bank and First National 1870 work to raise public awareness of the importance of sound banking practices, provide outreach to the unbanked, and expand access to financial education.”

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Connecting unbanked individuals to accounts through the Bank On program is part of Sunflower Bank, N.A.’s ongoing focus on expanding financial access to low- and moderate-income geographies and persons, small businesses, and organizations focused on community development. Sunflower Bank, N.A. operates through a community-banking model built on local leadership and services. This approach results in partnerships and programs that support the complete financial and credit needs of all those who reside in its banking and mortgage lending footprint.

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