NEC Corporation of America is Partnering with Haven for Hope to Co-create Technology-Enabled Solutions That Enhance Safety, Streamline Operations and Empower Clients

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Haven for Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the root causes of homelessness in Bexar County, and NEC Corporation of America (NEC), announced their partnership on March 29. NEC and Haven for Hope are co-creating a model to transform the delivery of services to clients by utilizing NEC’s best-in-class technology.

According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, there are more than 550,000 people who are experiencing homelessness on a given night in America. The causes of homelessness are complex and solutions should meet the needs of individuals instead of a one-size-fits-all approach. That is why NEC chose to partner with Haven for Hope in this endeavor.

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“For more than a decade Haven for Hope has been successfully transforming and saving the lives of individuals and families facing homelessness. In that time, Haven has become the national model in the fight against homelessness. We are very excited about this extraordinary new partnership opportunity with NEC to bring their advanced technology to our campus, which we are confident can now take Haven for Hope to the next level by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations,” said Bill Greehey, Chairman and Founder of Haven for Hope.

Haven for Hope is more than just a shelter, it’s a 22-acre transformational campus that provides life-saving programs and services to more than 1,300 men, women and families every day. NEC will utilize its resources and world-class technology to support Haven for Hope’s mission by enhancing safety and security, streamlining operations, and empowering clients in the community and beyond.

“NEC is dedicated to creating social value that addresses society’s most complex problems through technology and innovation,” said Mark Ikeno, President and CEO of NEC Corporation of America. “It is our shared goal that this partnership will not only support radical transformation in San Antonio but be a model for other programs across the nation.”

Together, NEC and Haven for Hope have identified several technology-enabled concepts that create new value for efficiently providing quality services:

  • Digital identification solutions that will enhance the client experience and streamline the delivery of services at Haven for Hope and in the community.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) enabled video analytics for real-time identification and response to safety incidents.
  • Automated mass emergency notification systems to enable multi-channel broadcast during critical events.
  • Data analytics, business intelligence, and automated inventory processes to improve operational efficiencies.

“Haven for Hope is honored to be selected by NEC to co-create innovative solutions that will not only enhance the client experience here at Haven for Hope but develop a model of technological innovations that can minimize barriers for those experiencing homelessness,” said Kim Jefferies, President and CEO of Haven for Hope. “It’s exciting to have the full resources of a global company at our fingertips to brainstorm solutions to improve the lives of our clients.”

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