Strike Launches Shopify Integration Bringing Bitcoin Lighting Payments to Merchants

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Strike, the world’s leading digital payments platform built on Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, today announced its integration with Shopify, unlocking the ability for eligible U.S. Shopify merchants to receive bitcoin payments from customers globally as U.S. dollars.

“We’re proud to partner with Shopify to provide merchants with a cheaper and faster way to accept U.S. dollars using Bitcoin technology,” announced Jack Mallers, founder and CEO of Strike. He continued, “The Lightning Network is a global payments network that lowers costs, enhances speed, drives innovation, improves financial inclusion, and brings the power of choice to consumers and merchants.”

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Modernizing Payments

The integration for Shopify merchants, designed with ease of use in mind, allows merchants to easily accept bitcoin payments as dollars.

With the Strike integration, Shopify merchants can accept payments globally and save costs on processing fees, with cash-final settlement. Strike’s integration enables Shopify merchants to diversify their existing payment options and reach untapped global markets and purchasing power. Strike’s integration also allows Shopify merchants to generate savings through low-cost payment processing. By instantly converting bitcoin payments to dollars, Strike removes certain complexities merchants face in holding bitcoin.

The Strike integration offers an alternative experience to traditional card networks by leveraging the underlying technology of the Bitcoin Lightning Network to allow for instant, global, cash-final payments while also eliminating legacy processing fees like interchange. Strike’s integration is accessible by any consumer in the world with a Bitcoin Lightning Network-enabled wallet, including more than 70 million CashApp users.

Strike Commerce Expansion Underway

Strike’s initial merchant partners include Warren Lotas, an LA-based streetwear brand focused on creating high-quality pieces with one-of-a-kind artwork hand-drawn by Warren himself ( Any merchant interested in using Strike can visit to apply for early access. Launching an integration on the Shopify platform is part of Strike’s plans for wider expansion of bitcoin acceptance for commerce both online and in-store.

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