Naturade Product Line Expanded in Target Stores Nationwide

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Naturade’s offerings have been expanded to four products in stores at Target locations throughout the country, Naturade co-owners Claude Tellis and Kareem Cook announced. Customers can now purchase VeganSmart All-In-One Nutritional Shake (Vanilla and Chocolate), in addition to the Plant-Based Protein Nutritional Shake (Vanilla and Chocolate).

Naturade’s mission is to help the public live a healthier lifestyle with their products’ three key factors – plant based, tastes great, lose weight. Since the company was founded in 1926, the Naturade team has developed products that include the best ingredients at an affordable price – and most importantly, that taste creamy and delicious.

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Naturade Product Line Expanded

The expanded product offering at Target allows customers to choose between products based on their needs, whether looking for additional protein, or a complete meal replacement. Naturade’s products are designed to make eating healthier easier. In addition to the four products available in-stores, Naturade’s VeganSmart All-In-One Nutritional Shake is also available online in Wild Berries and Chai flavors, as well as the VeganSmart Protein & Greens product.

“We stand behind the taste and nutrition of all of our products, and we’re thrilled to offer a wider variety to Target customers,” Tellis said. “Especially when our lives are busier than ever, it’s helpful to have access to food that is nutritional and easy. We’re excited to offer this ease through Target.”

To find a Target location that carries Naturade products, visit the store locator HERE. To learn more about Naturade, visit For media requests, please contact Meredith Geisler at [email protected] or (703) 740-5015.

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