CUPE Ontario Canvasses to Elect NDP’s Chandra Pasma and Joel Harden in Ottawa

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The most recent budget by the Ford Conservatives will spend $1,178 less per person on public services by 2026. That’s the equivalent of $19-billion in annual cuts for Ontario, or about $1.4-billion for Ottawa.

CUPE Ontario Canvasses to Elect NDP’s Chandra Pasma

President of CUPE Ontario, Fred Hahn, will be in Ottawa to talk about the impact of underinvestment on the community and about the issues that matter: fighting inequality, investing in the public services people rely on, and strengthening workers’ rights.

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He will join CUPE members and elected leaders canvassing with the Ontario NDP’s Ottawa West-Nepean candidate, Chandra Pasma and the Ottawa Centre candidate, Joel Harden.

WHO:Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario.
WHAT:Canvassing to elect two NDP candidates.
WHEN:Monday, May 16, beginning at 6 pm in Ottawa West-Nepean.
 Tuesday, May 17, beginning at 6 pm in Ottawa Centre.
WHERE:Available via telephone ahead of the canvasses. Call or email Daniel Tseghay at 647-220-9739 or [email protected] to be connected.
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