The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) to host IMAGE ‘22 conference on critical energy, space and healthcare issues

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The International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE) 2022 conference is headed to Houston and is a must-attend event for geoscience and energy professionals, and journalists covering such important matters. It runs Aug. 28-Sept. 1.

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) leaders and members will drive compelling conversations about energy diversification, space exploration, and healthcare advances led by the geosciences. Of particular interest is the conversation surrounding energy transition and the shift to a net-zero carbon energy future. Other important topics to be discussed at IMAGE 2022 include:

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IMAGE 2022 will begin with opening remarks and a welcome from SEG President Anna Shaughnessy and AAPG President Steven Goolsby. The session also features a compelling panel discussion on The Many Faces of Energy Poverty, which will underscore the fact that while climate change, net-zero emissions and electric vehicles are all important topics to discuss, 45% of the world’s population still struggles with access to energy for basic needs. Moderator Dr. Scott Tinker, founder and Chairman of the non-partisan Switch Energy Alliance, will lead panelists through a powerful discussion.

Top reasons to attend IMAGE 2022 include in-person connections with geoscientists, energy professionals, and thought leaders who are shaping the future of applied geoscience and energy, as well as discovering the latest trends and forecasts for the industry.

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