Sony Interactive Entertainment pledges $2 million to new UNCF Scholarship

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Today, UNCF (United Negro College Fund) and Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced a new $2 million scholarship program aimed at supporting Black students attending historically Black colleges or universities (HBCUs) interested in gaming development as a career.

UNCF (United Negro College Fund) will recruit for and administer the newly established HBCU Computer Science Scholarship. The program will be available to more than 50 students majoring in computer science or computer engineering who need support. The scholarship is supported by the PlayStation Career Pathways Program.

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SIE’s financial contribution will support the scholarship and student participation in the UNCF Tech Innovation Summit, a crucial component of UNCF’s mission. The summit helps to prepare students with much-needed professional development as they transition into jobs in the tech and gaming industry.

“We’re thrilled to have Sony Interactive Entertainment’s commitment to create this new scholarship as part of our educational program. Through the HBCU Computer Science Academy program, SIE will invest in the preparation of a robust HBCU computer science student pipeline and produce highly qualified and motivated student cohorts, eligible for selection into this program,” said Maurice E. Jenkins, Jr., executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer at UNCF. “This contribution opens new pathways for our students and we look forward to continuing our work with SIE.”

Dr. Chad Womack, Sr. Director of Stem Initiatives and Programs, and the UNCF Student Professional Development Program (SPDP) team is working together with SIE to develop and implement a customized student development program as part of the scholarship program with the goal of preparing them for internships and jobs in the gaming industry.

SPDP activities will include both resume and interview preparation; and helping students to learn how to navigate corporate culture.

“We want to leverage the power of education and help provide opportunities for the next generation of Black and other underrepresented talent entering the gaming industry,” said Tiffany Johnson, Senior Director and Head of Global DE&I at Sony Interactive Entertainment. “We believe that a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible industry will contribute to greater innovation and storytelling. For us, this starts by investing in underrepresented talent and creating more exposure and visibility for them. The new scholarship supported by the PlayStation Career Pathways Program is aimed to drive meaningful change alongside many of our other initiatives.”

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