Advancis Announces Appointment of James Chong as Chairman of the Board of Advancis USA With Expansion Into US market

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Advancis Software & Services GmbH (Advancis) today announced the appointment of James Chong as Chairman of the Board of Advancis, Inc. (Advancis USA). Chong brings over 25 years of executive leadership experience with unique combination of strategy, innovation, and operations.

He pioneered and introduced Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) and Converged Security & Information Management (CSIM) to the enterprise security industry.

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Chong has helped build and grow tech-enabled companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 global organizations. He has led development and execution of go-to-market strategies for both software and professional services companies and was selected into International Data Group’s “InfoWorld Top CTO 25” for his business management leadership and innovation.

“James is a highly respected visionary and executive in our industry and we are excited to have him in this strategic leadership role at Advancis,” said Jan Meiswinkel, CEO and Co-Founder of Advancis. “As we launch into our next chapter of growth, I am thrilled to welcome James as our new Chairman of the Board of Advancis USA where his global experience and perspective will add tremendous value for our current and future partners, customers, and team members.”

Chong is a subject matter expert in enterprise software, artificial intelligence, analytics, video surveillance, converged security, Intelligent Transportation Systems and IoT applications.

His experience includes roles as CTO, CEO, and Board member of software companies and currently serves as a director at a Fortune 500 infrastructure firm. Chong frequently speaks and contributes to professional publications and industry organizations globally on topics covering digital transformation, systems integration and converged security.

“I am honored and excited to join the Board of Advancis USA,” added Chong. “The new Advancis Open Platform is a game changer for the software integration industry as it brings the control back to the integrators and end customers by enabling 3rd parties to extend the Advancis software capabilities with new functionalities, integrations and UI components. I look forward to collaborating with the talented team at Advancis who are committed to making our communities and businesses more resilient, safe and successful.”

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