StatusPRO and Green Bay Packers Bring NFL PRO ERA Experience to Fans at 2022 London Games

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Packers fans gathered ahead of the London game to enjoy an array of NFL team activities, including a demonstration of StatusPRO’s NFL PRO ERA, the first NFL and NFLPA-licensed virtual reality (VR) simulation gaming title. The activities were part of a series of special events designed to bring the spirit of the NFL and Green Bay to London in advance of the team’s first-ever regular season international match-up with the New York Giants at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for the 2022 London Games.

Pep rally participants at Belushi’s Sports Bar, London Bridge were particularly hyped to trial NFL PRO ERA firsthand, bringing fans closer to the gridiron than ever before and helping to build excitement in advance of the Packers game in London. Packers fans were immersed in the pro athlete experience and had an opportunity to play like professional football players through NFL PRO ERA’s first-person 3D perspective as QB1.

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StatusPRO, a sports technology and gaming company, is a portfolio company of TitletownTech, a venture capital firm formed out of a partnership between the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft. The company uses real-time NFL game data to create authentic extended reality experiences. NFL PRO ERA is now available on Meta Quest and PlayStation® VR and presents a new level of football gaming.

“The Packers, through TitletownTech, are proud to support StatusPRO and their industry-leading innovation in the VR realm,” said Green Bay Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy. “The Packers have fostered a special connection with fans for more than 100 years, and StatusPRO’s cutting-edge technology will reach even more fans with an incredibly immersive experience.”

Developed by former football players who work with a team of best-in-class developers to include every possible detail from the quarterback’s perspective, NFL PRO ERA puts the player in the driver’s seat of gameplay action and delivers an authentic VR experience.

“At StatusPRO, we are excited to use our technology to help expand the reach of the NFL and teach fans the game of football,” said Troy Jones, StatusPRO Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and former Div-1 quarterback. “Being a part of this exciting activation for the 2022 London Games is our first time showcasing NFL PRO ERA in an international market, and we’re thrilled to give fans a first-person experience of what it’s like to compete on Sunday’s through virtual reality,” added Jones.

“We’re offering a wide variety of gameplay modes for players of all levels, including a 2-minute drill that helps engage fans and expose them to the game of football through a new lens,” said Andrew Hawkins, StatusPRO co-founder and President. “Working with the Packers to showcase how innovation and technology can drive fan growth and engagement while broadening the NFL’s global reach has been an incredible follow-up to our recent product launch,” added Hawkins.

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