Highline Brings Real High-Speed Internet Service to Pueblo West Colorado!

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Highline today announced the launch of lightning-fast Gigabit fiber Internet service to unserved, underserved and previously unhappily served households in the Pueblo West Metropolitan District (PWMD) and City of Pueblo, Colorado. Connecting the first customer, the Koller family, was marked by a celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony attended by the community, local officials and Highline staff. The Kollers work and school from home and are the perfect example of the need for real high-speed internet.

This announcement is only the beginning of Highline’s plan to build a future-proofed fiber network in Colorado to connect to thousands of households who have had inadequate Internet access.

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“The speed and reliability that fiber delivers to our customers is critical in today’s world where streaming entertainment, online learning, and work from home are often all happening at the same time. Highline is constructing an all-new, fiber-optic network, built to deliver symmetrical upload/download lightning-fast speeds, and this is a great opportunity to improve the education, healthcare and economic development for everyone in the PWMD and the City of Pueblo,” stated Deb Rand CEO of Highline South/West Region. “We’re thrilled to be the service provider that is finally delivering real Internet access that improve the quality of life for families like the Kollers.”

The Kollers sent over a note after their Highline installation “Thank you! The internet is up and working great. The install guys were great! This is a huge upgrade for us!”

“Pueblo West applauds Highline’s commitment to this continuing effort to bring real high-speed internet to our community. The positive effect on our residents, educational and healthcare systems and our economic development in Pueblo West is something we have looked forward to. We are excited to remove the digital divide that has impacted many residents through Gigabit Internet!” shared Brian Caserta, Fire Chief & Chief Administrator for PWMD.

In attendance at the ribbon-cutting celebration was local resident Dave Eldridge who quickly shared that “Highline’s Internet service will help Pueblo West Metro District residents and businesses with access to high-speed Internet speeds that we have not realized before now.”

“Turning up the first customer was made possible by the tremendous work from our own internal Highline teams, as well as AEG and EnterSource, both of which are extremely important business partners of Highline, so a special thank you to all of those involved,” shared David Shipley, COO Highline South/West Region.

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