PRSA Celebrates 75th Anniversary with Commemorative Publication: “75 Years of Impact and Influence: People, Places & Moments in Public Relations History”

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Established in 1947, PRSA, the nation’s leading organization serving the communications community, is celebrating its 75th anniversary throughout 2022. To mark this milestone event, PRSA is publishing “75 Years of Impact and Influence: People, Places & Moments in Public Relations History,” showcasing the history of the profession through the people and events that helped shape international discourse and transform the business world.

The limited-edition volume is available for presale beginning today and can be ordered here.

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“PRSA has literally been making history since its inception 75 years ago, and I can think of no better way to honor, applaud and pay tribute to the profession’s pioneers and visionaries than through this one-of-a-kind book,” said Dr. Felicia Blow, APR, 2022 PRSA Chair. “Our anniversary is all about focusing on how the past has informed the present and how it will shape the future, and I am enormously grateful to all those who collaborated to find, develop and tell these stories.”

Through pictures and text, “75 Years of Impact and Influence: People, Places & Moments in Public Relations History” presents 25 key moments in public relations history that have contributed to the betterment of our society, and honors 28 leaders integral to the growth and development of the profession, among them PRSA members Harold Burson, APR, Fellow PRSA; Edward Bernays, APR, Fellow PRSA; Daniel Edelman, APR, Fellow PRSA; and Patrick Jackson, APR, Fellow PRSA.

PRSA was born in 1947 when the American Council on Public Relations and the National Association of Public Relations Counsel merged to form the Public Relations Society of America. Building on the visions of these founders, PRSA has continued to advance the profession and the professional, influencing and leading the most compelling conversations through the years that changed the way we do business and the way we live in our society. For more information on PRSA’s 75th anniversary, visit the PRSA website.

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