Booka – a Digital Kids’ Books Library Experiences Massive Growth Securing New Contracts

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Providing kids with an exciting and fun learning room, Booka, a digital distribution platform, now acquires further collaborations and contracts. Following the set guidelines, more books will ensure real value to kids in order to make them read in a better and more engaging way. The latest contracts will elevate the digital library by 700 new e-books, offered in English and Spanish languages.

Booka is delighted to announce new partnerships with Twin SistersJump! and Bearpot publishers. The main focus of these partnerships is a wide array of e-books and audiobooks that will help students memorize facts and provide a fun learning experience for kids.

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In addition to the new contracts, Booka is all set to update a Spanish version of the app. The new books will serve many topics such as alphabetical books, counting books, biographies of singers and athletes, and more.

Booka’s elevated success can be proven by the company’s increased revenue. Booka experienced a striking 80% hike, compared to the first quarter of 21 years. The number of active subscribers on the Booka platform has doubled compared to the first quarter of 21 years. The significant increase in the subscribers proves that Booka has something different and better to offer in terms of kids’ literacy.

The total number of readings for the first quarter in the Spanish version increased by 20% compared to the same period last year. More Spanish readers mean a greater market, making it an almost untapped potential, which Booka is utilizing with the new Spanish version of the app. Moreover, the total number of readings for the first quarter in English increased by 120% compared to the same period last year.

The CEO and founder of Booka says: “We are excited to bring more features and more books to Booka. With new contracts underway, we aim to improve how children read and learn. The new books will add to the appeal of Booka, making it even more loved by parents and their children all over the world.”

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